Biggest Mistakes To Avoid On Your College Applications
College application season is already here! As you start applying, you must know some of the biggest mistakes to avoid to increase your chances of getting admitted! These are some of the common ones I…
Majoring in Biology? Check Out These Careers!
If you are considering majoring in Biology, this blog post is for you! One of the stressful parts of undergraduate college is knowing what to major in and what to do with the major you…
Day In The Life Of A College Senior: Neuroscience Major
Hi! My name is Rahema, and I am a college senior who is a Neuroscience major. I thought, why not share what a day in my life looks like! I will warn you that sometimes…
Amazing Healthcare Careers: Apart From Doctors
When thinking about healthcare, the first career that comes to mind is a doctor. However, not everyone wants to pursue that path. But not many people know about other healthcare career paths apart from being…
Do You Want The Senioritis Cure?
This is my second time around becoming a senior, so let me tell you, senioritis is as real as it gets, but I have the cure! Currently, I am a senior in college, but I…