Useful Backpack Essentials For High School & College
College Hacks,  College Prep,  High School

Useful Backpack Essentials For College

School is now in full swing, which means lugging your essentials around in your backpack!

In this blog post, I will share a few backpack essentials that students, including myself, will find super helpful! Whether you are a high school or college student, these essentials will aid you in your busy schedules.


We are in an era where technology is something we can not live without. This is especially true for school! A lot of course material is online, making it necessary to have a laptop or tablet!

Whether you decide to have a laptop or a tablet is your personal preference. However, since it can get pricey, check out this post on student discounts!


For me to be productive and get schoolwork done, it is vital to have my planner.

It is one of my backpack essentials I can not leave my apartment without since I keep track of everything in my planner.

I recommend having one because it helps keep track of the daily things you have to get done.

exam planner

Wireless Headphones

I find myself using this a ton throughout the day. Wireless headphones are fantastic since they mostly have Bluetooth compatibility with most phones and tech devices.

 They are compact, and you don’t have to worry about having those annoying wires tangling up.

Even though wireless headphones can be pricey, I recommend them since they are worth the investment. Often, they are a lot more durable than wire headphones, which have a short lifetime. You can also find plenty of deals if you take your time to research pricing on different brands and websites.

Having A Designated Pencil Bag

I know this one sounds obvious, but I know many fellow students who shove pencils, pens, erasers, etc., in their bags and end up losing them.

I like having a pencil bag because I don’t have to dig through my backpack to find a pen or pencil. It just makes things a bit more organized.

Having Portable Chargers

Having this is a lifesaver! Whenever I go to my classes in college, I bring at least one portable charger with me if my phone dies or I forget to charge it beforehand.

It also comes in handy when you can’t find an outlet to charge your phone or laptop. In that case, you can pull out your portable charger and charge your devices from anywhere.

On the Go Disinfecting Wipes & Hand Sanitizer

If you are on a school campus, there are so many people, which means many germs and bacteria!

Having on-the-go disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer will be your shield against unwanted germs. It will help you protect yourself and help you stay healthy.

Pepper Spray

I always keep pepper spray with me, and I tell you to do the same.

It’s helpful when you find yourself in danger, especially on a college campus. It is at least a type of self-defense tool you can have.

Water Bottle

I struggle a lot with drinking water, but staying hydrated is essential.

Since students walk around a lot on campus, drinking water is even more critical.


Whenever I have a few back-to-back classes, I bring a few snacks to munch on.

I tend to stay temporarily fuller this way and can put off eating a full meal until my classes are over. Also, many schools tend to overprice snacks, so bringing your own can help save money.

Plus, who doesn’t like snacks? Lol!

These are some of my everyday backpack essentials! Let me know in the comments what are your school backpack essentials!