The Best Websites for Productive College Students
College Hacks,  Courses,  Student Life

The Best Websites For Students To Be Productive

College is all about utilizing resources to your advantage!

As a college student myself, I use a lot of tools to aid me with my workload from classes. Every college student uses a computer or laptop to get their work done.

I am going to share some websites that have helped me tremendously throughout college and that I still use today.


I started using Grammarly fairly recently and found it helps me a lot!

Grammarly is a website that helps you improve your writing with complex grammar checks. You can upload a document or type it in; they will tell you what you can improve.

They have a free version as well as a paid plan. I have only used the free version, and I find that it has helped me out a lot. I mainly use it to make sure my writing is clear and error-free for assignments.

If you are someone who is not as strong in your writing skills or find yourself needing help, I would say go ahead and try the premium version.

Google Drive

Most universities, mine included, give you a school email on the Google platform. This includes the whole of google drive.

If your school does not give you a google email, you can create one for free.

Google Drive has a big benefit because it is really easy to share your document with others. If you are working on a project or have to submit an assignment to your teacher, google drive can make that process a lot easier.

exam planner


Let me just say that I love Canva! I have the premium version, and I use it all the time.

Canva has a ton of benefits for students. A huge benefit is that students have many more tools and designs to create presentations and slideshows. I probably prefer Canva to create my slideshows.

Moreover, students can create infographics, resumes, flyers, and more with all the different templates that Canva offers.


Quizlet is an amazing website that many students use as a study tool.

If you haven’t heard of Quizlet already, it is a website that allows you to make flashcards to study from and has different learning tools to help you learn the material and test your knowledge.

It is one of my go-to websites to study for a quiz or exam, and I highly recommend it.

Citation Machine

At some point in your college career, you will have to write a research paper of sorts. Depending on your major and classes, some students will do much more writing than others.

Citation Machine is a website to create citations that you need to add to your college papers. It has a bunch of different citation formats, and you can cite a lot of different types of sources.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a free website for students to learn material outside the class.

This is helpful for students who may find themselves struggling with certain learning materials. They can find additional resources to learn from, such as videos and practice exercises.

I would like to say that if you are a student struggling with a topic in class, I highly recommend reaching out to your professor or TA first.

However, Khan Academy is pretty good as a supplement for learning material and helps students gain more insight into what they are learning. 


This website is quite essential! A big part of college is networking and making connections. This goes for every college student in any and every field of study.

LinkedIn is a great way to connect with different professionals and maybe even land yourself an internship and job.

Use it to your advantage since LinkedIn is a gold mine for students to connect with others and pave their career path.

Using these websites will make your college workload easier and less stressful. I take advantage of them, and I definitely recommend you do the same!