Majoring in Biology? Check Out These Careers!
If you are considering majoring in Biology, this blog post is for you! One of the stressful parts of undergraduate college is knowing what to major in and what to do with the major you…
Day In The Life Of A College Senior: Neuroscience Major
Hi! My name is Rahema, and I am a college senior who is a Neuroscience major. I thought, why not share what a day in my life looks like! I will warn you that sometimes…
Do You Want The Senioritis Cure?
This is my second time around becoming a senior, so let me tell you, senioritis is as real as it gets, but I have the cure! Currently, I am a senior in college, but I…
Student Imposter Syndrome: What No One Tells You
Being a student is a full-time job and one of the toughest ones. However, students make their lives a little more difficult than normal when dealing with imposter syndrome. I am no exception to this. …
Simple Yet Effective Steps To Prepare for the Semester
One of the best ways to do well in college is to prepare for the semester right from the start! This doesn’t require a complex strategy or intense planning. Instead, it’s all about making small,…