Realities of Changing Your Major & Taking A Gap Year
College Majors/Careers,  The Caffeinated Chronicles

Realities of Changing Your Major & Taking A Gap Year

Ever feel like you’re on autopilot in college, unsure if your major is the right fit? Or maybe you’re graduating and wondering if the “real world” can wait another year? You’re not alone!

We’re tackling two common college conundrums: changing majors and taking a gap year after graduation.

Let’s be honest, college throws a lot at you. Picking a major can feel like a huge commitment, and sometimes, the path you start on just isn’t the right fit.  And after all that hard work, maybe you’re feeling burnt out and need some time to figure out your next move. That’s where gap years come in!

To navigate these crossroads, I’ve brought in two amazing guests, Ayesha and Humza, who I met back in our sophomore year during undergrad.

They’ve both had some pretty interesting journeys when it comes to majors and gap years, and I can’t wait for you to hear their experiences.

Choosing the Right Path:

In the beginning, Humza shares his journey from a biology major on the pre-med track to integrated health studies. Raised in a family where attending UIC was tradition, Humza followed the expected path.

However, halfway through college, he realized his passion lay beyond traditional pre-med majors. He found himself making the switch to integrated health studies offering a broader perspective and diversified curriculum

Similarly, Ayesha’s path was marked by uncertainty. As a first-generation college student, she felt the pressure to choose a stable career path early on. Initially drawn to nursing, she later transitioned to integrated health studies, aligning better with her evolving career aspirations.

Navigating the College Experience:

The conversation shifts to the college experience, particularly at UIC, a commuter-heavy institution. Me and Ayesha lived on campus or nearby off campus. We loved our time being within the heart of the city.

Definitely made some time to reflect on our experiences and the unique challenges of balancing academics with the allure of the city.

The Value of Gap Years:

So post-graduation, I ended up going into my Masters program in Health Systems Management.

On the other hand, Humza and Ayesha both ended up taking a gap year.

Humza then ended up using his gap year to dive into healthcare consulting which provided him an amazing and different experience.

Ayesha’s gap year, though unplanned, offered crucial insights into her professional aspirations and allowed her to gain essential clinical hours.

Navigating Parental Expectations:

Both of my guests shared their experiences with parental pushback against taking gap years.

Initially met with skepticism, their parents eventually recognized the benefits of these breaks, acknowledging the toll that college stress can take on students’ mental health.

Our Advice:

Ayesha, Humza, and I offered valuable advice for incoming college students:

Find Balance: Prioritize academics while also prioritizing your mental health. Strive for a balance between coursework and personal well-being.

Take Breaks: Don’t underestimate the importance of breaks. Incorporate leisure activities into your routine to prevent burnout.

Stay Flexible: Be open to exploring different paths. College is a time for growth and self-discovery, so don’t be afraid to pivot if your interests change.

Our conversation sheds light on the challenges and rewards of these decisions, offering guidance to students embarking on their own academic journeys

Navigating changing majors and gap years can be daunting, but it’s also a vital part of the college experience.

We honestly dive into this in so much more depth in my podcast episode, so definitely check that out: The REALITY of Changing Majors and Gap Years!

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