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College Applications,  College Prep

How to Choose Colleges Fit for You: 5 Factors

When it comes to choosing which colleges you are going to be applying to, it is important to know what you should be looking for!

Here are some of the factors that you should be considering when selecting which colleges are going to be getting your applications.

Academic Programs

The most important thing to remember when choosing colleges is the academic programs they offer.

Ultimately, you are going to college to further your education and receive a Bachelor’s Degree. You want to ensure the university has good academic programs for the major or majors you are considering pursuing.

Student Life & Culture

Knowing the student environment at the colleges you are picking is a pretty important factor to consider. This is what sets colleges apart from one another.

Student life can be defined as the resources available on campus, extracurriculars like clubs available to students, and student interactions with other students, teachers, etc.

Student life comes down to what the college can offer the student to grow academically and socially throughout the years they spend there!

college application checklist

Tuition and Financial Aid

College education does, unfortunately come with a heft price more often than not.

It’s necessary to look at what the college tuition is per year, as well as the financial aid offered.

Tuition varies significantly by school. Another critical thing to note is that out-of-state tuition is much higher than in-state tuition.

For financial aid, students can get aid from the federal government (filling out FAFSA, for example) and the colleges themselves. The aid you get from colleges differs from one to the other because of the different policies they have in place.

Scholarships and grants are also an essential aspect of how you might finance college.

College Size and Location

This is something that I feel like some students don’t consider when picking which colleges they want to apply to.

I recommend looking at the size of the colleges you are considering. Knowing whether you prefer large college campuses or smaller ones is important. For example, I prefer going to a larger college campus because my college is pretty big.

Additionally, you also want to take a look at the locations of the colleges you are choosing. It helps to know whether you prefer a university in the middle of nowhere or a more urban location. I put a lot of importance on location, so I go to a school in Downtown Chicago!

Moreover, you may need to consider whether you want to stay close to home or go out of state.


Housing can be a big deciding factor on what colleges you choose. This includes dorms and food. Take a look at what types of dorms different universities have and the food quality if you plan to stay there.

I recommend looking at the dorm requirements as well since some colleges may require you to dorm while others may not. Also, look at off-campus housing options that colleges on your list have if that is something you are interested in.

What are some factors you will be looking for when choosing colleges? Let me know in the comments down below!