College Applications Open
College Applications,  College Prep

What Students Need to Do As College Applications Open

As college applications open, there’s a lot that needs to be done as a student!

August 1st is the date when most applications begin to open for colleges. Having prep work done along with a checklist is going to be key for a smooth application cycle.

That’s where this blog post comes in handy!

Now let’s dive into exactly what you need to be doing when college applications open up!

student to do list

Research Potential Majors/Careers

Research is a vital part of applying to college.

It’s important to know what you want to go to college for. It’s helpful to know you can always change your career path and major during your college years.
But having an idea of what your academic path may look like will make creating your college list a lot easier.

The first step in figuring out your major or career, is simply by googling what interests you.
Start by finding a class or subject you genuinely like and start exploring what majors stem from that.

For example, if you like an introductory biology course, look into biology or even science majors.

You can also do the opposite and start with looking at what careers interest you.

For example, if you want to be an engineer, look at what engineering majors exist and what classes you are expected to take.

Apart from researching through the internet, also ask your academic advisors, teachers, and family and friends. Ask about what they majored in and what their day to day in their jobs look like.

Another insider tip I highly recommend doing is reaching out to alumni of your high school. Ask what they decided to pursue and just learn more through those social connections.

Your College List

Knowing what colleges to apply to when college applications open is going to save you so much time and stress.

You can create your college list throughout the application cycle, but having one figured out beforehand is gonna be an advantage.

It’s important to make a list of all the colleges you are interested in so that you can compare them later on.

The pros and cons of each school will help you decide which one is right for you.

You can find out so much more during campus tours and info sessions, even if they are virtual. You should ask tons of questions during these! Check out this blog post to help you with that: 12 Useful Questions to Ask During Your Campus Tours! With campus tours, you also get an actual feel of what student life will be like for the next few years.

As you start making this list, think about what you want in a college, like location, campus size, academic programs, campus culture/life, and tuition and scholarships.

It’s also helpful to reach out to current students who are at the colleges you’re interested in. I also recommend reaching out to the colleges advisors for prospective students, usually found on the college’s website, to gain more information out of that.

When you do finalize your list of colleges to apply to, make sure your list is diverse. By this I mean, apply to a mix of safety, target, and reach schools. Also, don’ solely apply to IVY Leagues or the highly competitive colleges.

Have Your ACT/SAT Scores Ready To Go

It’s important to have your ACT or SAT test scores ready to go when college applications open up.

Your test scores are a key factor that admissions officers look at within your overall application.

Submitting strong test scores can help strengthen your college application and increase your chances of being admitted to your dream colleges.

Therefore, it’s important to prepare for and take these tests well in advance of application season so that you have your scores ready to submit when the time comes.

If you don’t have your test scores ready by application cycle opening, don’t panic! You can still submit your application and have your scores sent later.

Just make sure to check with each school to see what their policy is on submitting scores after the application deadline.

If you’re worried about your test scores, consider retaking the test to improve your score. Another option is also looking at which colleges are making these test scores optional but don’t depend on this.

Create a Checklist

Having a checklist is a total lifesaver when it comes to college applications!

It helps you stay organized and make sure you don’t forget anything important.

Plus, it feels super satisfying to check things off as you go.

Make sure to include all the important deadlines, like application due dates, test score submission deadlines, and financial aid deadlines.

And don’t forget to include little things too, like sending thank you notes to your recommenders. Trust me, having a checklist will make the whole process way less stressful.



If you’re new to the college application process, you might not have heard of FAFSA before.

It stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid. It’s an important form you need to fill out if you want to be considered for financial aid from the government. Basically, it helps you figure out how much money you and your family can contribute to your college costs, and how much financial aid you might be eligible for. It also is necessary to look at grants and scholarships that you can get.

It’s definitely worth doing as soon as possible and it opens up October 1st.

When college applications open, the whole process can be overwhelming, but with proper preparation and organization, it can be manageable!

Researching potential majors and careers, creating a college list, having test scores ready, creating a checklist, and filling out FAFSA are all important steps to take when college applications open. Knowing what to do when applications open up, students can increase their chances of being admitted to their dream colleges!

When college applications open, the whole process can be overwhelming, but with proper preparation and organization, it can be manageable!