Creepiest Majors in College
College Majors/Careers,  Study Inspo

Ultimate Creepiest Majors in College to Exist

Ever wonder what the creepiest majors in college are?

Is it the subject matter, the potential career paths, or simply the unsettling image it conjures? Perhaps it’s a combination of all three.

Whatever the reason, there’s a certain allure to the obscure and unconventional.

This post will explore some of the most unusual and potentially unsettling college majors.

We’ll dive into the depths of academia to uncover the degrees that might send a shiver down your spine.

Please Note: While this post discusses some of the most unusual college majors, not all of these programs may be offered as standalone majors. However, many universities offer individual courses or programs that focus on these subjects.

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the dark arts

The Dark Arts: Morbid and Mysterious Majors

Let’s dive into the depths of academia to uncover some of the creepiest majors college has to offer.

These programs delve into the darker side of human existence, from the study of death to the intricacies of the human mind.

Mortuary Science

Mortuary science is the study of death and the care of the deceased. Students in this major learn about the human body, decomposition, and the preservation of remains. While it may not be for the faint of heart, it’s a crucial profession that provides closure and comfort to grieving families.

Creepy Career Paths: Graduates in mortuary science often become funeral directors, embalmers, or crematory operators. These roles involve close contact with deceased individuals, requiring a strong stomach and emotional resilience. Additionally, some may pursue careers in forensic pathology, investigating the cause and manner of death.

Forensic Science

Forensic science involves the application of scientific methods to investigate crimes. Students in this major learn about crime scene investigation, evidence collection, and forensic analysis. While it can be intellectually stimulating, the subject matter often deals with violence, trauma, and human suffering.

Creepy Career Paths: Forensic scientists can work in crime laboratories, law enforcement agencies, or private consulting firms. Their duties may involve examining crime scenes, analyzing evidence, and testifying in court. These professionals often come face-to-face with the gruesome realities of crime.


Pathology is the study of diseases and their effects on the human body. Students in this major learn about human anatomy, physiology, and the diagnostic process. While essential for understanding human health, the subject matter can be quite graphic and disturbing.

Creepy Career Paths: Pathologists typically work in hospitals, medical examiners’ offices, or research laboratories. They examine tissues, organs, and bodily fluids to diagnose diseases and determine the cause of death. These professionals often encounter cases involving infectious diseases, cancer, and other morbid conditions.


While psychology is a broad field, it falls under one of the creepiest majors in college.

Certain areas of study can delve into the darker aspects of human behavior. Clinical psychologists, for example, may work with individuals experiencing mental health crises or trauma. Forensic psychologists may assess criminal behavior and testify in court.

Creepy Career Paths: Psychologists working in criminal justice may evaluate defendants’ mental states, assess risk factors for violence, and provide expert testimony. Those specializing in abnormal psychology may study and treat individuals with severe mental disorders. These roles can expose psychologists to disturbing and challenging cases.

the uncanny and eerie

The Uncanny and Eerie: Eccentric Majors

Let’s continue the exploration of the creepiest majors in college. These programs delve into the realm of the unusual, the mysterious, and the downright bizarre.


Taxidermy is the art of preserving animal specimens. Students in this major learn about anatomy, skinning, and mounting techniques. While it may seem like an odd choice, it requires a deep understanding of animal biology and a meticulous attention to detail.

Creepy Career Paths: Taxidermists work in museums, zoos, and private collections. They may also create custom pieces for hunters or collectors. While the work itself isn’t inherently creepy, some people may find the process of preserving animal carcasses unsettling.


Cryptozoology is the study of mythical creatures and unexplained phenomena. While not a traditional academic discipline, it has gained a cult following. Students in this field explore folklore, eyewitness accounts, and scientific evidence related to creatures like Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and other legendary beings.

Creepy Career Paths: Cryptozoologists often work as independent researchers or enthusiasts. They may spend time in remote locations, investigating reported sightings and collecting evidence. While the pursuit of the unknown can be exciting, it can also lead to encounters with dangerous wildlife or isolated environments.


Demonology is the study of evil spirits and demonic possession. While it’s primarily associated with religious and paranormal beliefs, there are individuals who approach the subject from an academic perspective. It involves researching historical accounts, religious texts, and alleged paranormal occurrences.

Creepy Career Paths: Individuals interested in demonology often pursue careers as paranormal investigators, religious studies scholars, or mental health professionals specializing in psychosis or delusional disorders. These roles can expose them to disturbing claims and experiences.

The Spooky and Strange: Unexpected Majors

While some majors lean directly into the macabre, others offer a more tangential approach to the creepy and unusual. Let’s explore these unexpected fields of study.

Horror Studies

Horror Studies is a relatively new academic discipline that analyzes the horror genre in literature, film, and other media. Students explore the historical, cultural, and psychological aspects of fear and terror. While it may seem like an unconventional choice, it offers a unique perspective on human emotions and storytelling.

Creepy Career Paths: Graduates in Horror Studies might find careers in film criticism, screenwriting, or publishing. They could also pursue roles in theme parks or haunted houses, where understanding fear and suspense is crucial. While these careers may not be inherently creepy, they involve a deep dive into the world of horror and its psychological effects.


Mythology explores the world of ancient gods, monsters, and legends. While it may seem unrelated to the creepy, many mythological creatures and stories have dark and disturbing elements. Understanding these myths can provide insights into human fears, anxieties, and the collective unconscious.

Creepy Career Paths: Graduates in mythology often pursue careers in academia, teaching, or writing. They may also work in fields related to folklore, cultural studies, or religious studies. While these careers are generally not considered creepy, the subject matter can involve exploring dark and disturbing aspects of human history and culture.

the unseen

The Unseen: Unsettlingly Strange

These fields of study often explore the unknown, the mysterious, and the potentially disturbing aspects of human existence.

Paranormal Studies

Paranormal studies involve the investigation of supernatural phenomena, such as ghosts, hauntings, and other unexplained occurrences. While not a traditional academic discipline, many universities offer courses or programs related to parapsychology and the paranormal.

Creepy Career Paths: Those interested in paranormal studies often pursue careers as paranormal investigators, ghost hunters, or authors specializing in the supernatural. These roles can involve spending time in supposedly haunted locations, encountering disturbing claims, and potentially experiencing unsettling events.


Archaeology is the scientific study of human history and prehistory through the recovery and analysis of material culture.

While it often involves fascinating discoveries, it can also uncover disturbing aspects of past civilizations, such as evidence of violence, disease, or ritualistic practices. Thus making it one of the creepiest majors in college.

Creepy Career Paths: Archaeologists can work in museums, universities, or government agencies. They may explore ancient burial sites, analyze human remains, and investigate evidence of crime or warfare. These discoveries can be both fascinating and unsettling.


Anthropology is the study of human societies and cultures, both past and present. While it encompasses a broad range of topics, certain areas of anthropology can delve into the darker aspects of human behavior and beliefs.

  • Cultural Anthropology: This subfield explores the diversity of human cultures, including those with unusual customs, rituals, or beliefs. Some cultural practices may be considered unsettling or taboo by Western standards.
  • Biological Anthropology: This subfield focuses on the biological and evolutionary aspects of humans. It can involve the study of human remains, disease, and the origins of human behavior, which can sometimes lead to disturbing discoveries.

Creepy Career Paths: Anthropologists can work in academia, museums, government agencies, or non-profit organizations. They may encounter challenging fieldwork situations, such as studying remote cultures with unusual practices or investigating crime scenes involving human remains.

Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical engineering combines engineering principles with medical and biological sciences. While often associated with life-saving technologies, it can also explore the darker side of human biology and mortality.

  • Prosthetics and Implants: The development of artificial limbs and organs is a fascinating field, but it also raises ethical questions about the nature of humanity and the boundaries between life and technology.
  • Organ Transplantation: This area involves complex medical procedures and ethical dilemmas related to organ donation, transplantation, and the concept of death.

Creepy Career Paths: Biomedical engineers can work in research, development, or manufacturing of medical devices. They may encounter challenges related to the ethical implications of their work, such as the creation of lifelike prosthetics or the development of technologies that blur the lines between humans and machines.

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the biological and bizarre

The Biological and Bizarre: Morbid Majors

Let’s delve deeper into the realm of the unsettling, exploring majors that focus on the biological and the bizarre.


Entomology is the scientific study of insects. Its one of the creepiest majors in college even though it might not seem inherently creepy.

The world of insects is filled with peculiar and often unsettling creatures. From the microscopic to the monstrous, entomology offers a glimpse into a hidden world.

Creepy Career Paths: Entomologists work in various fields, including agriculture, pest control, and public health. While these roles are essential, they often involve close encounters with insects, some of which can be venomous or disease-carrying. Additionally, entomologists studying forensic entomology may work on crime scenes, examining insect evidence to determine time of death.


Herpetology is the study of reptiles and amphibians. While some of these creatures are undeniably cute, many others evoke fear and disgust. From venomous snakes to slimy salamanders, herpetologists delve into the world of the often-feared.

Creepy Career Paths: Herpetologists work in zoos, wildlife sanctuaries, or academic institutions. Their work involves handling potentially dangerous animals, which requires specialized training and safety precautions. Some herpetologists may focus on conservation efforts, which can involve working in remote or challenging environments.


Genetics is the study of genes, heredity, and genetic variation. While not inherently creepy, the field can delve into unsettling topics such as genetic disorders, genetic engineering, and the ethical implications of manipulating life.

Creepy Career Paths: Geneticists work in research laboratories, pharmaceutical companies, or academic institutions. Their work can involve studying genetic diseases, developing new treatments, or exploring the ethical implications of genetic engineering. These topics can be both fascinating and disturbing.

Philosophy of Death

Philosophy of death explores the nature of death, consciousness, and the afterlife. While not a traditional science, it delves into questions that have haunted humanity for centuries.

Creepy Career Paths: Philosophers specializing in death and consciousness often work in academia or as independent researchers. Their work can involve exploring unsettling topics such as the nature of consciousness, the fear of death, and the concept of the afterlife.

the occult

The Occult: Mysterious Academia

Let’s venture into the realm of the unexplained and the mysterious. These fields explore the boundaries of human knowledge and delve into the unknown.


Parapsychology is the study of paranormal phenomena, including telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis. While it is often met with skepticism, it continues to fascinate many.

Creepy Career Paths: Parapsychologists typically work as independent researchers or as part of paranormal investigation teams. Their work involves investigating claims of supernatural phenomena, which can often lead to unsettling experiences and encounters with the unexplained.


Cryptography is the practice of securing information and communication through codes and ciphers. While not inherently creepy, the world of secret codes and hidden messages can evoke a sense of mystery and intrigue.

Creepy Career Paths: Cryptographers work in government agencies, cybersecurity firms, or as independent consultants. Their work involves protecting sensitive information and uncovering hidden messages, which can sometimes involve dealing with criminal activities or national security threats.

In conclusion…

Let’s be clear: These majors are not for everyone. They require a strong stomach, a curious mind, and a willingness to explore the unconventional.

Choosing one of the creepiest majors in college might seem like a strange path, but for those drawn to the unusual and the unsettling, these fields offer quite unique opportunities.