How To Get An Internship In High School
College Prep,  High School,  Student Life

How To Get An Internship In High School

Feeling lost on how to get an internship as a high school student?

You’re not alone!

This guide is here to equip you with all the knowledge and tools you need to navigate the process successfully.

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Why Internships Matter:

Internships offer a chance to explore different career paths, gain real-world skills, and build a strong resume – all while you’re still in high school!

Here are some of the key reasons why “how to get an internship as a high school student” should be a question you start asking yourself.

Benefits of Internships:

  • Real-World Experience: Internships bridge the gap between theory learned in classrooms and practical application in professional settings. You’ll gain valuable hands-on experience, allowing you to see how your skills and interests translate into real-world scenarios.
  • Skill Development: Internships provide a platform to develop and hone a variety of skills crucial for future success. From communication and teamwork to problem-solving and time management, these experiences will equip you with a stronger skillset for college applications and future jobs.
  • Networking: Internships allow you to connect with professionals in your field of interest. Building relationships with mentors and colleagues can open doors to future opportunities, recommendation letters, and valuable industry insights.
  • College Application Enhancement: A well-rounded internship experience can significantly strengthen your college applications. It demonstrates initiative, commitment, and a genuine interest in a particular field, making you a more competitive candidate.


There seems to be a misconception that internships are solely for college students.

The truth is, many organizations actively seek enthusiastic and eager high school students to fill internship positions.

Don’t be discouraged by the idea that there are “no meaningful opportunities for high schoolers.”

There’s a vast array of internships available, from assisting with marketing campaigns at local businesses to shadowing professionals in hospitals or research labs. With the right approach, you can find an internship that aligns with your interests and helps you gain valuable experience.

Self-Assessment and Preparation: Knowing Yourself

Before diving into internship applications, take a moment for some self-reflection. This “pre-internship” phase is crucial for identifying your interests, goals, and the skills you bring to the table.

Identifying Your Interests and Goals:

Passion Check: What are you truly passionate about?

Do you prefer studying business principles, want to get into scientific research, or dive into problem-solving in the realm of engineering?

Brainstorm activities, subjects, and hobbies you enjoy. These can be strong clues to underlying interests that can guide your internship search.

Goal Setting: Once you have a sense of your interests, set some achievable goals.

Do you aim to gain practical experience in a specific field, explore different career options, or develop a particular skill set?

Defining your goals will help you target internships that align with your aspirations.

Building Your Skillset:

Now that you have a better understanding of your interests and goals, shift the focus on your skillset.

Skills: Make a list of your current strengths and skills. This could include anything from communication and teamwork to problem-solving and technological proficiency.

Consider relevant skills you’ve developed through coursework, extracurricular activities, or volunteer experiences.

Skill Gap Analysis: Identify any skills required for your desired internship that you might need to further develop.

Don’t be discouraged! Many online courses, workshops, and even library resources can help you bridge the gap and refine your skillset before applying for internships.

Researching Opportunities: Finding Your Perfect Internship Fit

Now that you’ve explored your interests and skills, it’s time to delve into internship possibilities out there. Learning how to get an internship as a high school studentinvolves uncovering the right opportunities that align with your aspirations.

Exploring the Internship Landscape:

Internships come in a variety of shapes and sizes, catering to diverse interests and schedules. Here’s a breakdown of some key factors to consider:

  • Paid vs. Unpaid: While some internships offer financial compensation, others may be volunteer-based. Both options can provide valuable experience. Focus on the learning opportunities and skill development potential, regardless of the compensation structure.
  • Virtual vs. In-Person: The rise of technology has opened doors to virtual internships, allowing you to gain experience remotely. However, in-person internships offer the chance to immerse yourself in a professional environment and build face-to-face connections. Consider your learning style and preferences when making this choice.
  • Industry-Specific: Do you dream of working in the world of fashion, technology, or healthcare? Many organizations offer industry-specific internships geared towards high school students. Targeting these internships allows you to gain experience in your field of interest from the get-go.

Internship Search:

So, where do you begin your search for the perfect internship? Here are some valuable resources to consider:

  • School Career Centers: Your high school career center is a goldmine of information and support. Counselors can guide you on “how to get an internship as a high school student” by providing access to internship listings, workshops, and even connecting you with alumni working in your desired field.
  • Online Job Boards: Websites like or Glassdoor offer internship listings across various industries. Utilize filters to narrow your search by location, industry, and keywords related to your interests.
  • The Power of Networking: Don’t underestimate the power of your network! Talk to family members, friends, and teachers who might have connections to companies offering internships suitable for high school students.
  • Social Media: Many companies, especially those in creative fields like marketing or social media, utilize platforms like LinkedIn or Twitter to announce internship opportunities. Follow relevant companies and industry hashtags to stay updated.
  • Think Local: Explore opportunities at local businesses, non-profit organizations, or government agencies in your area. Reach out directly to inquire about potential internship possibilities.

With a plethora of resources at your disposal, it’s important to be strategic. Compile a list of companies that pique your interest. Research their internship programs and application processes. Narrow down your list to a select group that aligns best with your goals and skillset. Remember, quality over quantity!

Following these steps is how to get an internship as a high school student!

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